The Kolbe-Trinity Immaculata Fund helps provide financial support for our families that make the financial sacrifice to send their children to our school, yet still might seek additional help with the cost of tuition. Through our Immaculata Fund we are able to financially assist these families and reward them with our Catholic classical education they have sought for their children. This assistance ensures that students and families who are committed to their education and our school’s virtues and values can attend regardless of their financial situation.
As a mission-based Catholic school, Kolby-Trinity has historically kept our tuition intentionally lower than other private schools in the surrounding area to provide our quality, faith-based education to a broader community. We continue to offer a tuition discount for each additional child, and maintain a very generous family maximum tuition so that our families can afford to send more than three (and hopefully all) of their children to our school. Even with lower-than-average tuition costs, many working families still struggle to afford tuition. For those families needing additional financial assistance, our Immaculata Fund helps to provide some financial assistance to those who need more help covering the cost of tuition. Although this approach presents a financial challenge for our school, our community generously raises funds through our Immaculata Fund to help cover the gap in operating expenses to provide this needed assistance.
Last fiscal year, your generous contributions to the Immaculata Fund totaled over $300,000 and continued to ensure that our dynamic classical education remained accessible to students of all backgrounds and income levels. Your 100% tax-deductible gift during the 2024-2025 fiscal year will continue to make this possible. Donate today!
Immaculata Fund Recipient, Emerson Rodriguez, Class of 2028
"I enjoy being at Kolbe-Trinity because it is a wonderful school and there are amazing teachers. Since it's a Catholic school, I can learn about God which I could not do at public school. My first year at Kolbe-Trinity (7th grade) was really bad for me because of my grades. My second year was really good for me because I got better grades thanks to the wonderful support from my teachers. This is the reason I received four scholarships when I began my freshman year in high school this year. I was also blessed to receive financial aid from the school which your donations help to support. I hope to continue to improve even more this year."
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